Next Steps Sunday
As we look ahead to the new year, it’s the perfect time to reflect on your spiritual journey and take the NEXT STEP in your walk with Christ. We are excited about NEXT STEPS SUNDAY on January 26th. We will have ONE service at 10:30am with all Bible Fellowship classes meeting at 9am. We will also have a SPECIAL GUEST, as Dr. Edwin Young, long-time Pastor of 2nd Baptist in Houston, TX will be preaching that day, as we celebrate baptism, and commit to our personal NEXT STEPS in our faith walk.
When the calendar turns to January, most of us look at the year ahead and ask ourselves what’s next? What’s next with my life? What’s next with my career, my marriage, and my family and friends? What’s the next change I need to make or goal I need to set?
When was the last time you asked “What’s next” for my spiritual life? This is the most important question we can ask ourselves, and yet it is often a question we fail to ask. Many of our spiritual lives look the same as they did five, ten, or twenty years ago. We move on to the next set of New Year’s resolutions, the next devotional book or podcast, and sometimes even move on to the next church. But spiritually, we just seem to stay in the same place.
We invite you to join us on Sunday, January 26th for Next Step Sunday. The entire focus of this day will be to help you identify and take the next step in your walk with Christ.
- For some, the next step may be to take the first step of once and for all inviting Jesus Christ into their heart and life. For others, it might be to officially become a member of this church or to publicly profess your faith through baptism.
- Your next step may be to find community through a small group or Bible Fellowship class or become more consistent with your giving, Bible study, or prayer life.
- Your next step may be to say “YES” to an opportunity to serve with a ministry in our church or community, or even to surrender to a call to missions or vocational ministry.
Whatever your next step, we want this day to be a safe, no-excuses opportunity for you to move forward in your faith. You can join the church or be baptized right on the spot, and we will have extra volunteers on hand to help you find a Bible fellowship class for you and your family. You won’t have to worry about taking your next step alone, because we will all be taking our next step together.
We believe this will be an exciting day as people join our church family, walk through the waters of baptism, and take their next step toward growth and service. Ask God to begin revealing His next step for your life, and join us on January 26th for Next Step Sunday.