Read the Bible Out Loud
As PastorMIke explained Sunday from Nehemiah chapter 8, Ezra read the scriptures out loud to the people of Jerusalem after the rebuilding was complete. This was a powerful time for the people who were hearing God’s Word for the first time. During the week of the mid-term elections, November 6- 11th, we are going to read out loud the entire Bible from Genesis to Revelations. This is an opportunity for us to refocus our hearts on the Word of God, which is the ONLY thing with the power to change lives as the Holy Spirit of God speaks through it. YOU can be a part! Your family can sign up for one (or more) 30-minute time slots, 7am-7pm each day. We will begin at 12:30 Sunday after our worship services have ended. The out-loud reading will take place in our Sanctuary, (with some time slots moved to the Foyer or Balcony Landing if there is an event in the Sanctuary) and there will be a note letting you know where to begin reading.
Sign-up below for a 30-minute time slot.
Note the location for your time slot. Most readings will take place in the Sanctuary, but we will use the Foyer or Landing of the Balcony if the Sanctuary is in use.