Headlines are for grabbing attention. Titles are for framing what you’re about to read. In my journey through the ROOTED Bible Reading Plan, it seems the Lord has been framing what I’ve been reading to grab my attention and frame what I’m reading to see how He is directing my steps as I follow Him.

When I pause and reflect back on what I’ve been “HEARing” in my scripture reading, I have a myriad of reactions. Sometimes I get amused by my crafty titles and other times I get a little concerned with anticipation about what I’m being prepared to face. That is where the “common thread principle” begins to show up strongest.

I want to share my key entry titles and let you see how the scripture has landed on me in recent days. You might also be able to identify the common thread that is showing up most often:

“Help My Life Be A Light” – John 1:4

“Make It All About People” – Mark 1:17

“Jesus Was Smart With People” – John 2:24

“See The ‘Ones’” – John 5:5

“Visitors, Followers and Disciples” – Mark 2:15

“The Original Influencers” – Matthew 5:16

“See People Through God’s Eyes” – Matthew 2:20-21

“Inside Out Transformation” – Mark 7:6

“Lead by Serving” – Mark 10:43

“Living While You’re Alive” – John 11:9

When I slow down, read and pray through these, I get a strong nudge from the Lord. I sense that He’s reminding me of His love for people and that He wants to use my life to help them discover that love in a way that is in line with how He has wired and prepared me. I get to merge my passion for helping people pursue a life of value, purpose, and meaning and introduce Jesus into their journey as the way to the “abundant life.”

When I’m out in the community and people ask, “What do you do?,” my response has been, “I help people get the most out of life.” Sometimes they ask me to explain. Those are the people I want to engage. They are curious enough to ask me to explain what that means. I get to engage them with the life-changing message of the gospel.

If this concept seems very out of reach for you or you have deemed it above your level, please know that’s a lie. The enemy wants you to believe you can’t hear and understand those nudges from the scripture. Don’t listen to him. Ask the Lord to direct your steps through His word and to give you a desire to hear what He has to say to you…today. Ask yourself,

  • “What is the Lord nudging me to do? 
  • How is His word challenging me to grow my faith in Him? 
  • What do I need to do with what He’s teaching me?”